Here, salon Xuan Huong please share with you a few ways to remove tattoos in a simple house with easy to find ingredients as follows.
1. How to remove tattoos in dental simple salt
How to remove a tattoo with salt in removing tattoos are quite popular in the selection. However, using this method requires tattoos to withstand pain by pure salt sodium and chlorine in deep effect on every cell to break the structure of the ink and remove the ink stain out The most effective way.
How to remove tattoos at home with salt quite simple, you just need to use 100 grams of salt, mix with one bit of water to help dissolve the salt. Then, use a sponge soaked with a solution to remove all want and tattooed skin clockwise direction, about 30 minutes to 1 hour. In order for sodium and chloride permeability essences after the skin and disrupt cell structure and open tattoo ink and tattoo removal effectively.
Wash skin with warm water effectively. Perform regular, continuous 2 day 1 time to remove the most effective tattoo marks.
2. How to remove tattoos in a simple house with lemon and salt.
Use fresh lemon combined with salt to help break down the structure of disposing of ink tattoo ink color your skin from skin effectively.
Step 1: Prepare 100g of salt mixed with 1 bit of lemon juice. Then use a cotton ball saturated with a solution and apply to the skin following figure.
Step 2 : Conduct a cotton ball rub on skin for 30 to 60 minutes after the salt solution into the skin.
Step 3: Rinse the skin with warm water.
However, using this method requires you to bear the painful. Therefore, you need to prepare right spirit when removing tattoos used in this house.
3. How to remove tattoos in a simple house with cream remove tattoos
With tattoo removing cream at home with a tattoo removed, you need to prepare bleaching creams tattoo dedicated buy at the store.
However, using this method you need to ask your doctor or you need to examine your skin may be sensitive or allergic to the ingredients of the medication or not?
4. How to remove tattoos at home simply by aloe
Aloe is not only natural elixirs are more effective action in the field of skin treatment that aloe is also removing tattoos at home
How to remove tattoos with aloe very simple as follows:
Step 1: You prepare a spike aloe scrub with apricot group and vitamin E in proportion alike.
Step 2: puree the ingredients together and apply the mixture to the skin tattoo clockwise.
Step 3: Massage gently on the skin for 5 to 10 minutes for all liquid from the skin.
Step 4: Implement continuous for about 2 to 3 times within 3 to 4 days will help erase the tattoo marks quickly and effectively.
5. How to remove tattoos in a simple house with sand or pumice powder
Raw materials including sand prepare dough with pumice to conduct very simple tattoos. First of all, you only need to prepare sand and pumice powder and conduct of tattoos as follows.
Step 1: You sanding with pumice powder and resin mixed with aloe thicken liquid form.
Step 2: Conduct a lather and rub gently on the part tattoo within 2 to 3 minutes to gradually leach solution into the skin.
Step 3: Rinse skin with clean water tattoos.
Perform continuous method 2 times / day and perform regularly around 3 to 4 weeks until the stains are removed tattoos.
Above, is one of the ways remove tattoos at home simple and easy to remove stains effectively tattoos. However, the method delete this natural tattoo requires the endurance of pain and perseverance perform over time help for the treatment most effective tattoo.